

Gita Audhya is a recipient of a Finalist Amor award for her book All Those Tears We Can’t See. Her book made it to the number one best seller on the Amazon chart. She appeared on Digital Journal to talk about her book. Her interviewer was Dar Dowling. It was very interesting as she expressed her motivation and the theme behind it. She also appeared in American Journal to give a second interview about her book All Those Tears We Can’t See.

Since her father was very wealthy with a chauffeur-driven car, a maid, and a housekeeper her life was very comfortable. So it was never a quest on her part to leave India and settled in a foreign country permanently. Gita just obtained her B. A. degree with honors in literature, at that time.

Just to accompany her husband she finally came to England and later after learning to speak English, she started a job in Inland Revenue. It was very hard for her to adjust as she didn’t have money and the culture was completely different than hers. This was the first time she was out of her country. Later she realized that this will be her life in a foreign country. She kept on going because there was a hope that one day she will fulfill her dream with sacrifice and hardship, and achieve a higher education degree. As she stayed in England like many immigrants she wanted to come to the United States where the American dream was still alive with opportunity and liberty. It became a life- long dream for her.

Gita traveled to three countries- England, Canada, and America to find happiness. Later she earned a computer programming degree from the United States. Her passion for India and America was very strong.

Gita learned a great deal and gained experiences in this lifelong process so she wanted to write about fulfilling her enduring dream. She produced a novel called “In Pursuit of Love, spirituality & Happiness” and another novel published called “All those tears we can’t see 1st Edition” which was accepted by a traditional publisher. 2nd edition of All Those Tears We Can’t See was recognized as literary fiction by C.S. Holmes,, and received an award from Amor book contest as a Semi-finalist and a seal from Both novels got many reputable reviews, and 6000 downloads by Librarians, Academia, Bloggers, and many bookshop owners. Her PR, Dow Dowling started the promotion for branding of her book.

With many people’s love and readers’ support, she believes she can achieve everything. She was invited by American Library Association this year and in 2016. She said it was a wonderful experience for her as she thoroughly enjoyed it because a huge number of Librarians were eager to learn about her book. She is also an author of,,

Gita’s interest varies in many areas: writing, traveling, decorating, science and art, and reading any book to satisfy her curiosity. She is very organized so she can get many works done in very little time. Her entire devotion is placed on the job, writing, and the family. She lives with her husband.

Please visit her websitehttps://Me-A-Star.Com

If you are interested you can enjoy a video on her Amazon book page.

Her book is available on Amazon & Barn & Nobles and many more online bookstores and